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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Didn't get the Job? Now what?

        Feelings of gloom, low assurance and a nose-dive in confidence are expected when you get rejected after giving an interview at your dream IT company. You may have followed the job interview tips to the T, felt sound in your knowledge and ability to perform the duties, and still may have failed to land the job. What good may come out of this situation, you may ask? All is not lost when you don’t get the job because you can still take away valuable feedback that will help you in the long run. 

      1.       Send a “Thank You” Letter
Thank the people that interviewed you for their time, information shared, and let them know that despite not being selected for the current job opportunity, you would really like to work for them one day. Imagine that for whatever reason their chosen candidate doesn't work out. Your letter to them will give you an advantage and will not be forgotten. It is a way to be memorable above other candidates if similar positions become available.

      2.       Ask for Feedback
If you are using the interview as your need for professional validation, the results may bring you down in your job search. Don’t use the job interview as a measure of your professional worth. With that being said, don’t be afraid to ask for a hiring manager’s opinions. The worst that can happen is you’ll get no feedback at all. The best that will happen is you will improve for your next opportunity.

     3.       Focus on your Strengths
The job hunt is a mental battlefield and you have to stay positive. Focus on refining yourself and don’t let past rejections hold you back. Maybe your resume needs spicing up, your soft skills need a touch-up? Make the effort and approach the job market with vigor and determination. 

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