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Thursday, July 31, 2014

"Do you have any questions?"

         Have you ever been to an interview where the employer's last question is, "Do you have any questions for me?" Asking the right questions is a great way to further impress the interviewer and in turn find out if the company is the right fit for you. The employer will judge you depending on the questions you ask and it could be what separates you from the competition. When asking these questions, always keep the Hiring Manger in mind and what they are looking for:
    Don’t Make Rookie Mistakes.   Lean on Weight Loss Veterans for Tricks of the Trade. #Nutrisystem
  • They are looking to see if you can do the job 
  • How fast you can learn the process and the policy they follow
  • How you fit into their company culture
        If you ask questions that show that you are interested in their goal, you will make the employer want to hire you! Here are questions that can give you some direction on what to ask a Hiring Manager. Of course, this may vary depending on what was covered during an interview. Try to prepare at least 2-3 good questions to reconfirm to the employer that you are interested in the job.
  1. What is your vision for the company's future and how does the ____(* insert position you are applying for) contribute to the goal?
  2. Can you tell me what a successful employee looks like at ____ (*insert company name)? What are key traits you believe make them successful? 
  3. Based on my research, I noticed that you are unique because of ____ (*insert fact on the company that you found interesting during your research on them). What else makes you differ from the competitors? 
  4. If I were to start tomorrow, what would be my priority? 
  5. Do you feel I have adequately shown that I demonstrate the qualities needed for the position? 
  6. What was your most gratifying experience working for ___(*company you are applying for)?
7 Interview Questions Employers Should Never Ask #ThinDifference

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